Reliance Jio has upgraded its marquee prepaid tariff pack for the Jio Phone. The Rs. 153 prepaid pack will now offer 1GB 4G high speed data per day, unlimited voice calls (local, STD, and roaming), 100 SMSes per day, and free subscription to all Jio apps. The validity remains the same at 28 days. Additionally, two sachet packs are also available for the Jio Phone. The Rs. 24 pack offers free voice calls, 500MB high speed data per day, 20 SMS, and access to Jio apps for two days, while the Rs. 54 pack offers the same benefits (except 70 SMS) for seven days.
The refreshed pack for Jio Phone now offers the exact same benefits as the Rs. 149 pack that is available for 4G smartphones. The move is targeted at putting Jio Phone users at par with regular smartphone users in terms of data consumption. Another Rs. 309 monthly pack was also announced at launch. This pack allows Jio Phone users to mirror content from apps like JioTV and JioCinema on to their modern or CRT televisions.
As we mentioned, Reliance Jio is upgrading its monthly pack for the Jio Phone to offer the above mentioned benefits. The Rs. 153 pack, at launch, offered free voice calls, 500MB 4G high speed data per day, 300 SMSes for 28 days. All the packs are subject to unlimited data access at 64Kbps once the daily limit is over.
The Reliance Jio Phone (Review) was launched in July last year at the company's Annual General Meeting (AGM). Buyers need to pay a Rs. 1,500 deposit, which is refundable after a period of three years if the user meets all terms and conditions. The handset has been categorised as a feature phone but with smart capabilities.
Reliance jiophone:- Rs153 plan now offers 1GB internet per day |
The refreshed pack for Jio Phone now offers the exact same benefits as the Rs. 149 pack that is available for 4G smartphones. The move is targeted at putting Jio Phone users at par with regular smartphone users in terms of data consumption. Another Rs. 309 monthly pack was also announced at launch. This pack allows Jio Phone users to mirror content from apps like JioTV and JioCinema on to their modern or CRT televisions.
As we mentioned, Reliance Jio is upgrading its monthly pack for the Jio Phone to offer the above mentioned benefits. The Rs. 153 pack, at launch, offered free voice calls, 500MB 4G high speed data per day, 300 SMSes for 28 days. All the packs are subject to unlimited data access at 64Kbps once the daily limit is over.
The Reliance Jio Phone (Review) was launched in July last year at the company's Annual General Meeting (AGM). Buyers need to pay a Rs. 1,500 deposit, which is refundable after a period of three years if the user meets all terms and conditions. The handset has been categorised as a feature phone but with smart capabilities.
Reliance jiophone:- Rs153 plan now offers 1GB internet per day
Reviewed by Shan Paul
January 17, 2018
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