Vodafone India has come with yet another interesting scheme ‘Vodafone Sakhi Pack’ for its subscribers in UP West & Uttarakhand. Earlier this year, Vodafone rolled out this service in a test phase and received phenomenal response across the region. Vodafone says that the “Vodafone Sakhi is free of cost service, which enables users to conveniently recharge their mobile phones, without sharing their mobile numbers with retailers.”
The company has announced this new scheme because the Vodafone Connected Women Report 2014 revealed that around the world, an estimated 300 million fewer women own a mobile phone than men. To address the concerns of women from rural India, to bring them to the forefront of the Digital revolution and empower them to stay connected with their near and dear ones, Vodafone India has introduced ‘Vodafone Sakhi’, a unique proposition empowering women in rural areas of UP-West and Uttarakhand.
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Women consist of 50% of the total population in UP & Uttarakhand, but less than 20% of them have a mobile number in their name. To encourage more women to use mobile phone for basic communication needs, Vodafone has taken this initiative that will ensure safety security and empower them on a digital journey.
To avail the Vodafone Private Recharge option, a customer needs to send a toll-free SMS – ‘Private’ – to 12604 which allows subscribers to make a Private Recharge through an OTP code, without sharing mobile number. This OTP can also be used for all recharges done over a 24 hour period.
‘Vodafone Sakhi’ will be available across UP West and Uttarakhand. The offer has been affordably priced, starting from Rs 52 only, to cater to women from all socio-economic backgrounds.
Vodafone has launched three plans under the Vodafone Sakhi plans of Rs. 52, Rs. 78, and Rs. 99. All the three packs offer benefits for 30 days. The Vodafone Sakhi Rs. 52 plan gives Rs. 42 talk time and 50MB 2G/3G data. The Rs. 78 plan gives Rs. 62 talk time and 50MB 2G/3G data, while the Rs. 99 plan provides Rs. 79 talk time and 50MB data.
Also read:-Pictures and images of Reliance jio 4g volte feature phone is leaked and expected to launch on 21st july 2017 at rupees 500 only.
The company has announced this new scheme because the Vodafone Connected Women Report 2014 revealed that around the world, an estimated 300 million fewer women own a mobile phone than men. To address the concerns of women from rural India, to bring them to the forefront of the Digital revolution and empower them to stay connected with their near and dear ones, Vodafone India has introduced ‘Vodafone Sakhi’, a unique proposition empowering women in rural areas of UP-West and Uttarakhand.
Also read:- Best Vodafone unlimited 3G/4G Hourly plans 2017 - 7tindia tricks -
Women consist of 50% of the total population in UP & Uttarakhand, but less than 20% of them have a mobile number in their name. To encourage more women to use mobile phone for basic communication needs, Vodafone has taken this initiative that will ensure safety security and empower them on a digital journey.
To avail the Vodafone Private Recharge option, a customer needs to send a toll-free SMS – ‘Private’ – to 12604 which allows subscribers to make a Private Recharge through an OTP code, without sharing mobile number. This OTP can also be used for all recharges done over a 24 hour period.
‘Vodafone Sakhi’ will be available across UP West and Uttarakhand. The offer has been affordably priced, starting from Rs 52 only, to cater to women from all socio-economic backgrounds.
Vodafone has launched three plans under the Vodafone Sakhi plans of Rs. 52, Rs. 78, and Rs. 99. All the three packs offer benefits for 30 days. The Vodafone Sakhi Rs. 52 plan gives Rs. 42 talk time and 50MB 2G/3G data. The Rs. 78 plan gives Rs. 62 talk time and 50MB 2G/3G data, while the Rs. 99 plan provides Rs. 79 talk time and 50MB data.
Also read:-Pictures and images of Reliance jio 4g volte feature phone is leaked and expected to launch on 21st july 2017 at rupees 500 only.
Vodafone Launches New Plans from Rs. 52 to Rs. 99 Under the Vodafone Sakhi Scheme
Reviewed by Shan Paul
July 14, 2017
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