Domestic handset maker Intex on Tuesday launched its first 4G VoLTE feature phone ‘Intex Turbo +4G’ as part of its feature phone series ‘Navratna’. The series include one 4G VoLTE model and eight 2G models in the price range of Rs 700-Rs 1500.Intex said on new 4G volte phone
Intex said that it in talks with a few OS developers for the 4G feature phone, and will launch the device around Diwali this year.Intex 4g volte phone launch function |
The Turbo series models come with a 2.4-inch display. Turbo Shine supports all 22 Indian languages and packs a1400mAh battery, has wireless FM and expandable memory up to 32GB.
"Turbo Selfie 18 is the camera phone having a dual camera with flash having an 1800mAh battery"
In the Ultra Series models, Ultra 2400+ is equipped with a 2400mAh battery, 2.4-inch display, camera with flash and expendable memory 64GB. Ultra Selfie has a 2.8-inch display along with dual camera, powered by a 3000mAh battery.
Intex Product head about phone
“We wanted to upgrade feature phone users and give them the taste of a smartphone through our first Smart Feature Phone – the Turbo+ 4G. With this, feature phone users will get high voice call quality, a seamless experience of the internet and the power of connecting with the world via a mobile,” said Ishita Bansal, Product Head - Mobiles, Intex Technologies.The feature phones series is available in Black or White colours.
Final words
Domestic handset maker Intex on Tuesday launched its first 4G VoLTE feature phone ‘Intex Turbo +4G’ as part of its feature phone series ‘Navratna’. The series include one 4G VoLTE model and eight 2G models in the price range of Rs 700-Rs 1500.
Intex launches New 4G VoLTE feature phone in "Navratna" series
Reviewed by Shan Paul
August 01, 2017
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