Vodafone has launched two new Super Plans - Rs. 409 and Rs. 459 - for prepaid users in select circles including Madhya Pradesh & Chhatisgarh, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Bihar & Jharkhand, Jammu & Kashmir, and Himachal Pradesh. The recharge packs offers unlimited voice calls (local, STD, and roaming), 100 SMSes per day, and unlimited 2G internet data.
An interesting addition to this offer is that these two packs are available at even more affordable rates in the Jammu and Kashmir circle. The Rs. 409 plan is priced at Rs. 359 while the Rs. 459 plan is available for just Rs. 409 in the J&K circle. This comes in the wake of Bharti Airtel launching 4G coverage in the Ladakh region.
Earlier this month, Vodafone had rolled out five Super Plans ranging from Rs. 79 to Rs. 509, all of which do not offer unlimited 2G access.
This price war has been on ever since Jio officially launched operations last year. Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, and Idea Cellular, among others, have also been coming out with competitive plans to offers unlimited voice calls and mobile data to users.
Vodafone Launches unlimited 2g internet packs at Rs 409 and Rs 459 |
Vodafone unlimited 2g plan details
The only difference between the two packs is that the Rs. 409 plan has a validity of 70 days while the Rs. 459 plan has a validity of 84 days. Interested buyers can purchase this pack through the MyVodafone app and other offline Vodafone stores. The circles, where the two packs are available, currently do not have Vodafone 3G coverage.An interesting addition to this offer is that these two packs are available at even more affordable rates in the Jammu and Kashmir circle. The Rs. 409 plan is priced at Rs. 359 while the Rs. 459 plan is available for just Rs. 409 in the J&K circle. This comes in the wake of Bharti Airtel launching 4G coverage in the Ladakh region.
Vodafone other unlimited 2g plan details
Vodafone recently rolled out a Rs. 176 packfor the Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh circle that offers unlimited roaming voice calls. This plan also offers 1GB of data per day and has a validity of 28 days.Earlier this month, Vodafone had rolled out five Super Plans ranging from Rs. 79 to Rs. 509, all of which do not offer unlimited 2G access.
This price war has been on ever since Jio officially launched operations last year. Bharti Airtel, Vodafone, and Idea Cellular, among others, have also been coming out with competitive plans to offers unlimited voice calls and mobile data to users.
Vodafone Launches unlimited 2g internet packs at Rs 409 and Rs 459
Reviewed by Shan Paul
December 19, 2017
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